niloofar of the dady

Tuesday, May 30, 2006



winter laugh

winter laugh

lala10A calm sleep in the winter like a nice swan

A calm sleep in the winter like a nice swan

O dear daughter! O sweet love!
sleep and dream
beautiful dream
walk through nice kid's dream land
mom and dad are with you forever

like real queen

like real queen

Monday, May 29, 2006

4th month little bird

4th month


niloo could move herself towards toys


this is Niloofar's first sleep in the world 7 MEHR 1384

the sense of humor is unprecedented recognizable in niloo's behavior

the sense of humor is unprecedently recognizable in Niloo's behavior

nagging differently: EHHHH AHHH EMMMMM

nagging differently: EHHHH AHHH EMMMMM

Last night

1st month
when I went home niloo was on her baby walker immediately after seeing me laughed and wanted to be hugged so that I could not wash my hand an see Jon night she was not so relaxed all the night nagging the reason was not so clear .any way while I was playing with her toy she was completely scilent and thankful.....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

niloo in 3 months

Niloo had a little lamb little lamb little lamb
every where that niloo went niloo went niloo went lamb was sure to go

niloo garden

niloo garden

niloo in norooz Aunt house

niloo in norooz Aunt house

Niloofar of the dady

Niloofar of the dady today is more faster in doing her activity and says somethings new like Amme AMMOO baba bobo she lays by me and gets ready to get sleep